
Lost in Translation

Maybe...I've done myself a disservice.

The world I live in is very sensitive to the fact that, without certain adjustments, nonverbal communication tends to leave a great deal of uncertainty; I, however, am not so sensitive. Not in action, anyhow.

I stopped using things like 'lol' and smileys, for no real reason, honestly. Just kinda wanted to see how it would work out.

I don't know for certain, but I think it's kinda made me a chore to talk to.

I have my own me-isms and I use them freely, and I don't much mind it except that people ain't hearing me, doe. I'm gonna work on that, next.

There are some examples, sure, but suffice it to say that I will, for the sake of being less difficult (for difficulty's sake, at least) when it comes to talking to people.

You're welcome, President Vernon.



I'm writing this now, assuming that SOMEONE out of you will decide to make a comment about my incessant emailing and, perhaps how ironic it is that I would suggest this "blog" idea.

Now it's your turn.

Side notes:

Don't use "ps" if you haven't made a salutation. That's just silly.

Support the music industry. Pirating music is easy, I know; but it's seriously killing the artists.

Is the term "beat a dead horse" or did I fuck that one up?

PS: Don't be a hypocrite. It's bad for business and no one will take you seriously.


Point Taken

Why does this "blog" still exist?

I ask myself that every time I think to post something, but almost instantly deem it too personal.
The only real answer is that the email still exists and, although I could easily delete them both, I choose not to.

Occasionally, I choose to post something "meaningful;" but, rarely ever in the sense that any potential readers* could mean the same world.

Some blogs are for reflecting.

Mine, obviously, is not. I don't feel the need, nor the desire, to be personally reflective. In fact, stating that anti-desire makes up a significant portion of the things I blog, halfway defeating the purpose.

Or so it would appear?

Exactly. Sadly, I can't explain why, as that would defeat the defeat of the purpose of this blog, thus defeating the purpose of this purposeless collection of my thoughts.

Some blogs are meant for entertainment of many sorts.

This one is super obviously not.

I never took the time to fashion an appealing layout beyond the careful-ish selection of colors, and a few wing dings here and there to give it the character that I needed at the time. In fact, the ticker on the right margin was added for a particular reason that has long since exhausted its use, but remains because I don't feel right/like taking it down. Every time I try to, I'm immediately interested in the information it holds and end up adding whatever stock I'm curious about at the time to its data range, knowing full well that I will never frequent this blog enough to use that information to serve any purpose. It is simply an aesthetic choice, I guess. Perhaps of of my readers is interested in that sort of thing.

I digress...a lot. It's not an entertainment piece because, well, I don't merit myself as someone who's opinions are readily communicable to the public in which I live. My tastes are volatile. I listen to music according to my mood, and that changes. I live a dynamic life. Sue me. So, why then, would I waste my life trying to promote the produce of whatever I find hot at the time? (Click the blog title, tho. I've inspired myself into promoting a rather solid compilation.)

What other types of blogs exist? I don't know. I don't read many.

My only concerns are with other people's self-reflective ones. Not to sound like a doucher or anything. I don't read them to find the latest "dirt" on someone or to have an edge against them in an argument or anything, I just find that other people have trouble letting their feelings be known, and their blog is often a comfortable place for them to express themselves. If that's what they need, so be it, and if I know your secret blog address, you can be sure no one's gotten it out of me, whatever the content. Hell, if there's only one post, and it's your favorite flavor Skittles and you want it to be kept a secret, that's your business.

My blog is a melting pot. At some points I just feel like trying something new. An occasioned poem or something. Blogspot is usually a friendly audience for that. Facebook notes, too, but I don't really fuck with them.

My blog is meant to give you something to read, not some part of me to understand. That's what a phone/skype/conversation/date/day out/eulogy** is for.

It's a lot like ramen noodles, I guess. There are some vegetables here and there, sure, but it's not a glass of OJ in the morning; I wouldn't even call it a salad... ... ...


Maybe a salad. I slip up every now and again.

Lots of codes, too. There's a lot about me on this blog, in one way or the next. Just very rarely direct. You could presume a lot from these contents, I mean; you just wouldn't "know" that much. I'm kind of just giving people what you really want.

So, feel free to take an inch and speak a mile about my character, in one form or another. At least now you know you're doing it.

And, seriously, click the blog title. It's cool as hell.

*heavy emphasis on "potential" there, as my reader count has to be no more than 3, inclusive of myself, Beebe (whom I love ever so dearly) and, perhaps, the Illuminati in their ongoing effort to know everything there is to know about the world population at-large.

**shoutout to whoever delivers my eulogy.