
Happy Birthdays

Yesterday was Africa's birthday. Today is Jessica's. And, while they may never find their ways to this blog post, I want to thank them both a happy birthday.

I've enjoyed my times with you both, I have.

Other'n that, today was cool. I don't blog too often, because I don't have too much to say, once you filter out all the real stuff. I'm doing a pretty good job of keeping myself from esposing my mind to the internet's call. Congrats.

On to brighter things, tho. I find myself being very wrong, as of late, about a lot of things. I hope the trend continues. The world may never know why, but I certainly hope it does. Sometimes, it's best to be reminded that life isn't as mundane and predictable as one may come to think.

People...surprise you.

Funny...I wasn't even smiling until I wrote that last part.


Bee Or Be

Just chilling, y'all. I don't know what I'm gonna do for the summer. I kinda found a place to edit and stuff, so Taq Nation's GDP may, in fact, exist.

Spent some time with my dad. Fun.
I don't feel like writing anything, having already decided not to wear my heart anywhere near the sleeves of this Logspace.

What's the point?

I'm gonna practice something right now.

Nah, I'm not. I don't have anything to say. Love life, funny, as usual. Nothing is especially chaotic. Just uncharacteristically stagnant.

I'm waiting on this Spanish grade to go through so I can stop thinking about it and stuff.
I'm reading more, and it's done nothing but justify my manipulation of the english language. John Milton is a mad man. I'm about to finish Paradise Lost. It's curious, the way I'm reacting to it.

I think the one month anniversary of me not being on FB and Twitter is either here or coming up. It seem like longer. Ain't that a trip?

I'm gonna have to go back, for the sake of my business, but I really don't want to. =(

AND myy phone's off, so I don't have any real communication with people. This is LOL worthy, I'd say.