
Happy Birthdays

Yesterday was Africa's birthday. Today is Jessica's. And, while they may never find their ways to this blog post, I want to thank them both a happy birthday.

I've enjoyed my times with you both, I have.

Other'n that, today was cool. I don't blog too often, because I don't have too much to say, once you filter out all the real stuff. I'm doing a pretty good job of keeping myself from esposing my mind to the internet's call. Congrats.

On to brighter things, tho. I find myself being very wrong, as of late, about a lot of things. I hope the trend continues. The world may never know why, but I certainly hope it does. Sometimes, it's best to be reminded that life isn't as mundane and predictable as one may come to think.

People...surprise you.

Funny...I wasn't even smiling until I wrote that last part.

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