
Newton, We Have a Problem.

I thought up a few interesting as heck essays to write. They seem like some real sweet stuff, but they're gonna require a whole mess of research. Dunno how I feel about that just yet, but I think I'll get over it.

Imagine, me using my brain for the sake of good. Lol. That'd Be something stupid. Of course, what I consider academia could just as easily seen as me being bored out of my brains for a while, but what's the difference?
I imagine Newton was bored to tears until that apple konk'd him upside the head and gave him the inspiration to do what, in his time, must have seemed like the work of the insane or at least the socially impaired.

"Yo, Isaac, wanna hit Ye Olden Shadowed Saloon with us?"
"No, I'm actually thinking to partake in the wonderment of the non-physical universe and its interactivity upon those things over yonder tree branch that doth cause them assault my fitted beret whilst I'd sit finishing mine independent studies."

All of this while he was out of school on account of the Bubonic Plague sweeping the nation like there was no tomorrow. What a strange fellow he must've been.

So, if I can duplicate that kind of boredom, let's say by not having anything better to do with my time in the library save to, dare I say it, read a book...well, then, I might just be onto something with these.

The reason I haven't disclosed the subjects of the essays, though, is because if I don't go through with their writing, I don't want anyone to be disappointed. Lol

Well, here's to you, whoever of you are reading this, for you must truly have nothing better to do.

Maybe, though, your time would be just as well spent on your own pondering and personal thoughts. I'm grateful to have been the subject of your interest, I'll tell you that much.


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